He promised to love me forever. But when I woke up to find Levi gone without a trace, he broke that promise.
Lara Gould finally has everything going for her. Amazing job, great apartment and a boyfriend who loves her.
That is, until one night when her past and present collide.
man she thought she'd love forever vanished without a trace seven years
ago, breaking her heart. Suddenly Levi has returned and is making some
big waves in Lara's life. But can she trust him? Why did he leave all
those years ago?
Her new boyfriend Tom, is perfect. Smart, sexy and
adoring with a British accent Lara can't help but love. When Tom asks
her for a future in another country, Lara finds she has a big decision
to make.
Who does she move forward with?
The man of her past or the man of her present.
Great read