Tuesday 20 July 2021

Cabin by the Shore


Cabin by the Shore

Rachel Byrnes has been working as a prostitute for Anthony for twenty-six years now, and she knows it’s time for her to get out. She’s older than the rest of the girls, and she’s aware of what happens to Anthony’s girls when they get too old. Women her age don’t last long in this business, and they don’t go down gracefully. She’s seen women dead from overdoses, and she’s heard of them dying from impaired car crashes. Some just disappear altogether, never to be seen or heard from again. Anthony is stricter on Rachel now, and every move she makes is being watched.
She concocts a plan but completing is going to be difficult. It all starts with her taking up her love for swimming once more and a trip to Staten Island, which Anthony is hesitant to allow her to go on. He finally relents after some convincing, allowing her to go, as long as a few other girls tag along. And oh yes, a bodyguard.
Now that her plan is in motion, Rachel has to ready herself to bring her it to fruition dreaming of the possibility of new-found freedom.


US / UK / Canada / Australia 

Book 1 / Book 2 / Book 3

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